The Lazy Man's Life - The Life and Times of Thaddeus Golas From the Great Depression to the rise and fall of the Hippie Revolution Compiled and Edited by Sylvain Despretz
Language: English ISBN-10: 0983057435 ISBN-13: 978-0983057437 Product Dimensions:
7.7 x 5 x 1.2 inches
The Lazy Man's Life,Thaddeus Golas' autobiography, is pulled from his diaries, emails and letters -- it is the account of his life, in his own words.
The Lazy Man's Life is not a book of metaphysics, but at 523 pages (complete with a 16-page leaflet of era color photographs) it covers much of the story of the journey from the Great Depression to the psychedelic '60s. It is a historical account of the birth of the psychedelic movement in America; a parade of the era's greatest players: Timothy Leary, Baba Ram Dass, Steven Gaskin, Allen Ginsberg, and all the rest. The book features original poems by Thaddeus Golas, as well as a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of The Lazy Mans Guide to Enlightenment, and some definitive answers to the questions: "Was the book channeled?" and "was Thaddeus Golas a mere typist for higher consciousness?"
The Lazy Mans Life will leave you feeling like an expert on the psychedelic and metaphysical '60s. A great read!
The Lazy Mans Life: All through my childhood I had heard of the utter insanity of World War I, but this news convinced me that the human race was doomed, and I no longer wanted to be part of it. I decided that human life was absurd, that the only universal imperative was to use energy, to be active with no reference to rationality. If I had known more history, I would have been less depressed. I would have known the human race is a swarm that can lose millions to famine, plague, or lunatic wars and then go on as if nothing had happened. In my simple way I anticipated the existentialists: the appropriate response to the evidence. At the time I was alone with this mood, though I expressed some of my dismay in letters to Paulette Morin in Rennes. She replied that it was obvious I was not the "berserker" sort. Just as I clung to my fantasy of Lois, I cherished Paulette as a refuge from war. It is a mystery why our tiny company came to someone's attention several weeks after Ninth Army HQ was moved north to Maastricht, in Holland.VIII Corps remained in the Ardennes, assigned the task of seasoning new divisions and resting battered ones in what was considered a quiet area.Ninth Army was given a few divisions to start, interposed between Montgomery's British forces and the US First Army. Because of this elaborate change, we moved to a billet east of Maastricht shortly before the German onslaught in the Ardennes. By such decisions do we live and die.Find more information about this and other books by Thaddeus Golas is at The SEED CENTER BOOKS Website.
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